Plant Your Apple Tree

There’s that famous quote – “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” But what does that really mean? Like most great quotes, the meaning is simultaneously and paradoxically simple to interpret and very very difficult to understand at a deep level. Surface wise, do the right thing. Deeper wise, do the right thing. But it’s not so simple because if it was, everyone would 1. Do the right thing, 2. Accurately assess what the “right thing” is 3. Eliminate the outcome/result/”what is gained” from doing said action from your conscious when making a decision to do that thing …. VERY few people hit that quote on all 3 levels.

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Humble Yourself; Life is a Mystery

None of us know exactly what will happen to us each day. Nobody is owed an explanation for why things happen, whether that’s a health issue, another person’s behavior, evil events, unclear circumstances, etc. Many people resist this “not knowing” by overthinking life’s situations, by attempting to control uncontrollable aspects of our lives, by simply being frustrated and/or experiencing negative emotions. The alternative is to develop your humility and embrace your “not knowing”.

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How to Eliminate ALL Fears

Like most things in life, if you defeat the GREATEST of something – then your confidence for all “things” below that is sky high and becomes much greater than any previous fears you had. For example, if a boxer defeats the GOAT, then the fears they had vs. all the other boxers simply goes away. If you have fear of illness, but then suddenly get cancer and then defeat that, well that little cold or covid or flu you were fearful of getting previously doesn’t seem so bad after-all. There’s a couple messages here …

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Analyze Your FEARS

Many people are tricked. Tricked by other people, media, information, their own mental processes, even their own experiences. Awareness of this is critical so one isn’t holding onto fears that are really just False Evidence Appearing Real. Because things could be true AND it also may lead to irrational fears.

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Yes Means Yes & No Means No

So many adults lack the ability to say “Yes” when they want to, and say “No” when they want to too. Not always, but sometimes this is due to their parents and environment not empowering them to say “No” in certain situations when they were younger, or at the very least discouraging the idea to say what you actually mean.

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How to Frame “Wanting More” In Life

There’s a positive “wanting more” mentality and a negative “wanting more” mentality. The negative one is always wanting more in life because you feel you “lack” something, or you need some external validation or thing to fulfill you. This one also is correlated with a lack of gratefulness for what you have, and this person doesn’t appreciate the little things, or the big things, they may have. They’ll never fully be able to enjoy the present moment.

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Seeing Adults as Babies

Many of the world’s issues, particularly poor mental health, would be corrected greatly if people took the same understanding approach most take towards babies and transferred that to adults. Meaning this – Most don’t get agitated when a baby throws food on the ground because babies are LEARNING. In their stage of development, they are not finished products.

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What Lives on in Life?

Every person has heard the phrase “mind over matter”, but how many people actually align their actions/decisions in life with that statement? Not a whole lot. If you look around, many people prioritize buying “things” over experiences, prioritize their possessions over their lessons, and ultimately prioritize their material wealth over their internal wealth.

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