It’s common for children to be afraid of thunderstorms. The tragedy is when adults crumble in the face of them. First take note that learn is in the quote above; if someone is content with their negativity, then So Be It. You can’t change someone not wanting to learn. But if someone wants to abandon negative attitudes, (s)he must strategize how to Honor their Cocoon Time through storms. Someone first must understand that their reaction to adversity is often not dependent on the adversity level, but instead on their mindset. Because the same person that sulks about spilled milk will drown in negativity about not getting a particular job offer. Storm by storm, you must abandon F.E.A.R. and start collecting positivity magnets. As I touched on in a previous post, one must learn invincibility from setbacks and understand that peace of mind and positivity is constant. It doesn’t fluctuate if you truly have it. Even during the Holocaust, Viktor Frankl was able to look his storm in the eye and find hidden opportunities for joy. He understood that mindset control was possible no matter the magnitude of the storm. Every storm is challenging you to find something positive in it; take on the challenge and responsibility to find it. “Life is full of beauty. Notice it … “
Viktor Frankl (pg. 44 in Man’s Search for Meaning) – “The attempt to develop a sense of humor and to see things in a humorous light is some kind of a trick learned while mastering the art of living. Yet it is possible to practice the art of living even in a concentration camp, although suffering is omnipresent … when we arrived [to this new camp] we heard from older prisoners that this comparatively small camp had no ‘oven’, no crematorium, no gas! That meant that a person who had become a ‘Moslem’ could not be taken straight to the gas chamber, but would have to wait until a so-called ‘sick convoy’ had been arranged to return to Auschwitz. This joyful surprise put us all in a good mood … we laughed and cracked jokes in spite of, and during, all we had to go through in the next few hours.”
“It’s a Beautiful Day.”
– AR Inspired