Every person has potential to become a king or queen. The key is to search for the real crown that gives you access to become one and dominate your inner world. Don’t put the fake crowns – money, a “successful” career, short-term pleasure – on a pedestal. You can pursue those crowns to a certain extent, but they should not be your primary goal or cloud your lens of focus. Because if you pursue the real crown – which is knowing and mastering yourself – those things tend to fall in place anyway. As I stated in Hold Your Pen Tight, you must have faith that if you stay committed to becoming your greatest, most authentic self – the outer world and success will write itself. And that is for everybody. Tied to my thoughts in Look at People, Never Up or Down, there is no maximum limit to the number of kings and queens! Everybody has access to their real crown. You just can’t search outside of yourself to find it. You have to use your Permanent Empowerment and recognize that it is in you. So think about what you think about, think about what you prioritize, and then act and be accordingly.
Pietro Aretino – “I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.”
Leo from Actualized.org (07:07) – “If I’m not in control of myself, then it doesn’t matter what I’m doing. It doesn’t matter whether I’m at a cool party, whether I’m snorting coke, whether I’m having amazing sex, whether I’m in a really good marriage, or whether I have the best career in the world. It doesn’t matter. If I’m not in control of my own emotions, if I don’t know how to control my own thoughts, if I don’t understand myself on a very very deep level – not just intellectually, but practically, if I can’t control myself – I can’t control my impulses, then there is no chance for me to be happy. See the wise they understand this … If you don’t develop a self-mastery over your lifetime then no matter what else you do, it’s not gonna’ really get you to where you want to be. And where you ultimately want to be is you want to be at a place of happiness, contentment – just kind of quiet sober contentment with your life, undisturbed, unreacted, unfrantic, just very calm, very peaceful with what is. That’s where you want to be … “
Additional video on self-control & dominating your Inner World: Self Control – How To Develop Self-Control To Create An Amazing Life
– TR Inspired