Grip yourself and the present moment. Let go of your grips on everything else because any sense of control you have is an illusion. First understand that the only person you control is yourself. Because by logic – if everybody has free will, can think for themselves, and lead their own path, you can’t control others … because only each individual controls her/himself. So let people be who they choose to be; your control is in associating with them or not. There’s value in letting go of people detrimental to your journey; though there’s also value in recognizing that sometimes challenging people are in your life for a reason. Sometimes you have to see people as a crayon; they may not be your favorite color but you need them to complete the picture. This also applies to people in your past; accepting the past is about letting go of anger, sadness, and past experiences. See each moment and person in your life as necessary to create your current state of being. As Leo from Actualized.org explains in a video on letting go of the past, the only thing real is the present moment. Though once real, the past is not the current reality. So energies should not be wasted clinging to it.
Sonia Ricotti – “Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.”
Alan Watts – “In giving away the control, you’ve got it. You got the kind of control you wanted. That is to say where you have a loving relationship to the world, but you didn’t have to make up your mind what it should do. You let it decide … the principle of unity, of coming to a sense of oneness with the whole of the rest of the universe, is not to try to obtain power over the rest of the universe. That will only disturb it, antagonize it, and make it seem less one with you than ever. The way to become one with the universe is to trust it as another, as you would another. And say, ‘Let’s see what you’re going to do.'”
Letting Go > Real Power
Real power is discovered in relinquishing fake power over others, accepting the past, and letting go of what cannot be changed. Because once you make the decision to only grip yourself tightly – and cease your loose grip of everything else – and live only in the present moment, your lens of focus becomes your current reality. So while others are wasting energy clinging to what cannot be changed, you can focus on your own self-mastery. Your real power is free to reign.
Lao Tzu – “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”
– JP Inspired
So powerful, Brian….and a message important to me at this moment…and always. Thank You Aunt Alma