If you’re on fire outwardly, every energy in your body is set on doing one thing: Putting out the flames. Similarly when your inner flames are lit, every energy in your body is activated & in overdrive to do the same. The idea mirrors the Eric Thomas quote that “when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” When someone follows their passion so hard as if they’re on fire & success will put it out, that person is relentless at overcoming any obstacle in their path. They’re lit! The only way to put out the flames is to push through the burn towards greatness. It’s why Ray Lewis after a playoff loss said he’s “got a whole ‘nother fire about [himself] now.” (03:52) His team losing lit his inner fire even more, and winning was the only way to put the fire out.
Now here is the paradox. After one works tirelessly and successfully puts out the inner flames after achieving a goal, something amazing happens. You realize you miss the fire and you want it back. You want that spark back, that push needed to accomplish something. This is why people have to know what lights their fire. Oprah Winfrey once advised, “Know what sparks the light in you & then use that light to illuminate the world.” So the key is to figure out what your matches are, and keep them on deck when your inner fire needs to be re-lit. And when it is, like before – use your adrenaline and passion to wake up & put that fire out! Then light it again & put it out, light it, put out, and on and on …
Howard Thurman – “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Danny Way on competing through injuries (04:38) – “It’s inside of me. It’s a lot of determination. It’s a fire that just keeps burning.”
– DB Inspired