The Positive News Network


Many people completely lack that as they turn on the tv to watch the news. And because of this, the news has monumental power to shape people’s minds. People often assume what’s on the news is an accurate portrayal of what is going on in the world, what they should be concerned about, AND how most people think or how people are supposed to think. This is incredibly damaging when the news outlets do not have the best interest in the viewer in mind, and instead only want to maximize revenue. It’s human psychology for most people to be attracted more-so to negative news, as opposed to simple, boring positive news – to an extent – so this is often taken advantage of.

News taking advantage of people’s minds should be challenged at all costs though. I am disturbed how often the news attempts to put fear into people’s minds and only talk about adversity, without considering the whole other side of how to overcome said adversity. If every news outlet was as I portray in this clip – providing empowering messages, providing resources, discussing real issues but with a solution-focus, etc. – the world would be a much better place. A degree of positive news is always filtered into news, particular local news, but it’s not enough in my opinion. Over 90% of every day events are positive, though news stories are over 50% negative. Ideally, that will change for future generations. We will see.