I can’t remember the last time I was mad. Thinking critically, there is nothing positive that comes from uncontrolled anger – or being “mad”. You can’t think clearly, you look crazy, and what’s the point? Don’t get me wrong; there can be plenty of reasons/temptations to lose your cool. But that doesn’t mean it’s in your best interest to let the emotions of sadness/disappointment – which are a requirement for being mad (But not nice versa) – from your heart intrude to your brain to negatively alter your attitude. True emotions of all kinds can have tremendous value and be necessary, but being mad is all up in the head & up to you.
Teachers are warned never to be genuinely mad at their students. You can be disappointed, have high expectations, and enforce consequences, but losing control of your head and in turn classroom is ill advised. Everyone on earth should have the same mindset & empower themselves to develop a peace of mind.
A final note is that everybody is at different stages with their mindset control, so this post is not saying it’s as easy as 1,2,3 to never be mad ever again. But it should be a desired goal for everybody because in the end, what does being mad do for you?